Monday, June 14, 2010


CAD didn't go so well today, I couldn't really produce a drawing. Had some severe art block. But I do have a sketch for today:

Meet Clef. I have no idea what or who he is. This was originally a sketch that I was drawing a few months back to gain some experience with perspective. It failed, to be honest. But, I went back to it anyway with a fresh outlook on it in hopes I could turn it into at least, something. Which I did, and I'm glad. I don't know much about him, those wings are different, but he is no angel, I don't even know if he can fly with those things.

I do know, however, that he fights with music. A swing of his spear creates beautiful and/or deadly melodies to the humanoid ear. He's quick, and fast, using said music to dumbfound his opponent before striking with deadly accuracy. As expected, right? Ah well. maybe something else will come out of it at another time.

Anyway. Deviant Art. I'm... kind of tired of this place. I don't know why, but really I am. But besides my own website, there's not much else I can put my work on to try and get it out there. I dunno, I think I'm just getting iritated with all of the people on there. It's the 4chan of the art world, in my opinion.  Oh well.


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