Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's hard coming up with a new style.

It really is.

I think, somehow, with growing up and getting more and more into the "art world", it took something from me. Or maybe I've just lost it. Somewhere along the way, my ability to draw slipped through my fingers. I wasn't the best artist, but I drew without reserve. I drew all the time, anywhere, any place. Didn't matter what it was, how good it looked; I didn't care, I just wanted to draw whatever came to mind. And now, you'd be hard pressed to find me even doing a doodle on a napkin with a crayon.

It's depressing really. Or at least it would be, if I hadn't pushed those feelings aside. But I won't lie and say I don't feel a little angry at myself for this; I want to find "it". Whatever "it" was. I want to get back what I lost, whatever it was that made me draw carefree, made me draw continuously, outcome be damned. 

I think it has a lot to do with me becoming aware of my art, aware in a way that points out to me all the little(or big in my case) things that are just incorrect in my art. Things like: "That finger looks crooked.", "Legs are too long.", "Ugh, that hair is terrible.", to say the least.

I find my self criticizing every little thing I do; I am my own worst enemy.

Recognizing my faults and striving to overcome them is one thing, nit picking is another. I hope I can shrug this off sooner or later, before I don't want to draw at all any more.

1 comment:

  1. I always thought a style is something that you develop subconsciously over time... This gives me hope,though, because I don't like the one I have right now anyway xD Good luck with yours!
