Thursday, April 29, 2010

Then and Now Redone.

Sooooo... I just had an idea after looking at some of my old artwork, and I mean old, and decided, why the hell not? Let's draw him how I would draw him today, keeping the same silliness of the old one.

And so that's just what I did. Don't mind the awful, awful thing on the left, it was drawn in 1997. >_>

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Little Apple, you are too far. Why are you so far?

She's just fucking adorable, isn't she? I think so. Love her, her name is Lyla. I drew her once before, and named her that then. Everyone always draws catgirls, or foxgirls, but you never see any cute little mousegirls. Well, I expect to change this.

Dunno what I'm gonna do with her though.

I guess just keep drawing her all cute like, I suppose.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sling Shot

Has more than one meaning.

Anyway, I drews me a Spidey. My favourite superhero. <3 I was inspired after seeing a similar picture of Cyclops on DA.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Away from here

This is Kirabo, she's a young woman soon to be married to her husband whom she has known since they were children. She's contemplating life before and now future as she waits while her family prepares.

Or at least that's the bullshit story I just made up for her; though Kirabo is her name.

Another pose from posemaniacs. I love that place so much. Keeps me drawing, and gives me a better perspective of anatomy. Finally.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's a bird, it's a plane -- No, no, just some crappy sketch.

Yeah, so I was over at posemanics last night and saw a pose that vaguely reminded me of Superman. Though I did change a bit of the pose, like his face and what not.

I got it down okay, some parts aren't quite right, but I'd say it's a nice improvement over my other stuff, which I'm proud of. And no, I didn't hide his hand on purpose as a means to not draw it; it was like that in the pose!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

This is not the mouse you're looking for...

Here we go, just another little something I whipped up real quick.

It's pretty cute, I think. I'll call her Lyla. She's so cute.

Monday, April 12, 2010

'Ey, bub...

So I drew this last night while I was hangin' with some friends at our local Barnes & Noble. We usually hang out on Sunday nights for a couple hours and draw.

Unfortunately much drawing did not get done that night seeing as we all had our respective downs. Oh well, I did manage to churn this little thing out. I'm not very good at drawing other peoples characters, but this one came out kinda okay. Better than nothing.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Too many ideas man.

Yeah so, of course, I've had another idea for a comic. Probably won't act on it; already trying to run too many as it is. We'll see though, seeing as it is really a "real" comic, per se. Oh well. Here's some concept art I drew for it already. Nothing special. It's just me, and I tried a (sort of) new style.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Oh it's finished yes?

Here we go, I finished colouring it a few minutes ago. Not much else to say. Laters.

This is kinda cute. I guess.

So last night(this morning), Kytri and I were talking(IMing) and we started on about video games.

She mentioned her favourite character from the Phoenix Wright series, was Miles Edgeworth; mine just happens to be the titular character. So, in my head flashed an idea. So I drew it. It's not coloured or anything, I'll get to that later.

But for now enjoy it for what it's worth. As you damn well better.

So Yeah

I started this new blog, figured why the hell not. I'll leave all my emotional turmoil bullshit for my LJ which I hardly use because to be honest, I figure that's all it's good for.

So I ponied up and re-logged into my blogger and said fuck it. This place is gonna be about my art and shit. Maybe some stuff I find interesting too, if you're so inclined to follow me or whatever. Anyway, I don't have any art to post right now. It's 5am and I should be in bed.

So that's where I'm goin'.